Saturday, 15 October 2011

Paint, glorious paint!

The girls have been painting happily alongside each other today for a change, which is lovely. I popped inside to check on our rock buns (on the tanned side)...

... and this is how I found them when I came back, both thrilled with their face-painting, cheeky monkeys!

And yesterday's work while Mil slept:

We've got plans for the paintings once they've dried - borrowed from Jane Hissey's lovely story of the toys painting together :) tbc...


  1. wow! love the dripping ones pinned n the door and the splatty ones! I need to get hold of some more paper and have a go with my monkeys. x

  2. They really enjoyed it, I love letting them go completely wild with paint (outside!) it's worth all the mess afterwards!


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