Friday, 26 October 2012

Green Day!

I kept some photos back from this post just for today's Green Day!

A wonderful section of wildflowers in the planting scheme at Stratford Park in Stroud

A couple of late-blooming roses hanging on even though bare branches are starting to appear

How I wish my wildflower garden looked this fantastic!

Joining Fiona at Raindrops and Daisies for Green Day :-)

There are lots of fantastic photos from all round the world - take a look!

Have a great weekend everyone xx


  1. Lindas flores, as lavandas para mim são encantadoras, e as rosas sempre majestosas...Um abraço!

    O mirante da imagem

    1. I love lavender too! I'd really like to grow loads of it so that the scent wafts around you as you walk through it.

  2. Ha, I thought that was your garden! I was thinking in shame at my own mess of a plot with just a few scrappy natsurtiums! It always looks so effortless and naturally beautiful to see wildflower meadows, like the ones at Eden too, but it must take a fair bit of work. Hopefully one day I'll get round to planting some flowers instead of just veg! :)

    1. I wish it was mine! You're right, I think it does take a lot of management to make it look natural.... I've got great hopes for next year :-): we should swap seedlings next spring to get a good mix of stuff. I'm thinking of concentrating on a bed of verbena, more lavender, other purpley-blues mixed with californian poppies & other oranges.... as well as increasing the wildflower bit.

  3. Lindo e colorido tudo!Adorei! beijos,chica

  4. Oh before I forget...2 random questions..when is your birthday? and could I please borrow the hat stand I spied in your courtyard the other day for the xmas stall I'm doing? I'm making a load of tails and was planning on hanging them from hat stands! I've got one already but more would be good. No worries if not, but keep your thrifting eye out for me! I picked my one up the other week on bin day! cheers bird x

    1. I'll keep an eye out for you :-) Mine's gone to the hatstand in the sky.

  5. it is something which always draws my attention: how people hang onto the last remnants of summer. i know i do. i picked up an deep orange coloured leaf from the pavement in a busy street just last night. only later i realised in that particular setting, i may have looked like a nitwit. still... ;)))

    1. There's something particularly nostalgic about this time of year: I don't know whether it's a kind of collective childhood memory of going back to school or just awareness of the bleakness of the winter to come....

  6. I'm completely in awe! Having three little girls, you still blog and make. I don't think I made anything until my (only daughter) turned 6. What a wonderful blog you have!

  7. Hi Chloe

    What beautiful flowers! Wow they are gorgeous.
    I love the blues with the yellows.

    Hope you and your family are well and that it isn't too
    cold and miserable.
    Foggy and uck here this morning!

    Thanks so much for joining in with Green Day
    I love having you with us.

    Sorry for only replying now but at the moment I
    am rushing and racing and should buy roller skates!!

    Have a great week and hopefully you will join in
    again on Wednesday.

    x Fiona

    1. Thanks Fiona, we're all fine apart from littlest who has a nasty virus :-(
      Wednesday? are you starting a new day?
      Hope you get time to take some more fab pictures! Somehow no matter how awful the weather has been you always manage to grab a photo of your lovely garden in sunshine!
      Skates would certainly make housework more fun :-)


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time to write ♥


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