Sunday, 29 April 2012

Crafty Sunday

It might be wet n windy outside but there's a warm hive of industry indoors! Quite unprompted the girls have gathered paper, scissors, glue, glitter and coloured film and have made beautiful pictures.

Tula is getting fat, as you can see! We went to see the dermatologist during the week and she doesn't have ichthyosis after all. All that's left to examine now is her bone formation to see if she has any identifiable congenital condition at all.

As you can see time spent holding the baby is still productive! I can just about manage to continue patchworking at the same time. I've made good progress on the Jacob's Ladder, despite getting a bit carried away with preparing for the next quilt.

Garden-wise, the allotment is starting to pull me out of the house again, even though I'd kind of written this year off, I can't resist it when there's so much to do! As well as getting some veg on the go, I also want to sow the wildflower section which has been covered up since last spring in preparation. Have to wait for another gap in the rain for that.

Hope you're having a lovely weekend too whatever the weather's doing! :-)

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